“But better to get hurt by the truth than comforted with a lie.” ― Khaled Hosseini

Khaled Hosseini tells you the truth of life as it is. Raw. Of the many quotes available, I quote this for two reasons. One because I am extremely honest and two because I am going to show you the truth of a the life a 20 something faces.

Also, not everyone’s lives are like how I describe. Life of a twenty something is bittersweet. And  every experience is a story in its own way.
You are no longer that teenager kid with mood swings. You are an adult with double the mood swings and thrice the confusion. When you are treated like a child, you demand to be treated like an adult and the vice versa. So neither do you know what to do nor do you accept others suggestions.

Then we are categorized into an introvert or extrovert, like the existing ones were any less. So we all party hard either with books or/and with friends. Pursue our hobbies or develop a new one. Learn new things, meet new people, make amazing bonds, find our calling, try new things and most importantly discover ourselves. I start a new phase of life this year and introspection and sharing a piece of my mind is all I could come up with. And also taking up this challenge this time is a big challenge in itself for me, but nevertheless pushing myself to new limits have always been fulfilling and worth trying.

And yeah, a lot more awaits from the life of a twenty something. My relationships with books to people, self- discovery, of love, life and travel.

Check out this space next month while I give you small slices of life presented raw and directly from the heart.

Sayonara till then.


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