This entire month you would be seeing poems centered around women. I am giving out no more. 😉 Be a part of the journey and I promise to come up with awesome poetry. I have been meaning to do this from a long time and better now than never. Right?

So here goes the first poem.

Oh, my little baby girl,
Beautiful like the shining pearl.
Sparkling eyes and rosy lips,
Curly hair bound by the pink clips.
How will I protect you from all the hardships?

Oh, my little baby girl,
I love it when your fingers curl.
The occasional smiles and the sounds you make,
Is it for my happiness’s sake?
How do I save you from a heartbreak?

Oh, my little baby girl,
I love to see your eyes twinkle.
I am torn when you are ill and wail.
I feel like I failed and turn pale.
But I want to tell you that it is okay to fail.

Oh, my little baby girl,
There are problems plenty, but don’t forget to smile.
Opportunities plenty but time don’t you while.
There is no dearth of bad but don’t you feel low,
Strong and brave you grow.
Oh, my little baby girl.

This post is for Day 1 of UBC and Daily Chatter


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