Every day we have plenty of opportunities to get angry, stressed or offended. But what you’re doing when you indulge these negative emotions is giving something outside yourself power over your happiness. You can choose to not let little things upset you.
-Joel Osteen

My guest today is anger and frustration and this quote sums up so many things perfectly.I promised to end the series but this life lesson was something that I haven’t learned and understood how to tackle yet. And after a good conversation yesterday which gave me the much-needed push, I decided to write about it because this does more harm to me than any other thing.

I am a patient person in general. Okay, maybe I was a patient person. I wouldn’t get frustrated if the bus conductor gave me the ticket last, I would patiently wait for him. I used to not mind people jumping the queue because I assumed they had something more important. But recently my anger has been at its peak. I think I truly define the word short-tempered. I am not happy telling you this but I can’t deny the fact and I don’t lie.

What I have come to realize is that I have my own personal rule book. When someone breaks my rule book or forces me to break my own routine and rules the anger that fills in crosses all the boundaries and results in tears, which is the highest form of anger. This is apart from shouting and the entire day going bad of course.

And as I pondered more and more, I realized that my anger was because people gave themselves so much importance that the other person hardly mattered to them. Few people just don’t understand the difference between self-love and selfishness.

I being an extremely sensitive person can’t turn highly insensitive to others needs or mine. Only if people would truly understand the meaning of empathy. And yet again this is a strong belief that runs my personal rule book. I get agitated and angry when things don’t go my way. It is human nature. Isn’t it? Everyone wants things to go their way and only a few have truly mastered the art of not getting angry when it doesn’t.

There is a battle within, a zillion thoughts running inside and frustrated with so many things which have no solution or anything my tiny brain is irked with and I vent it out on my family and friends. Home is the only place where I can expect things to go according to me or at least where I can be at peace with my thoughts and when it doesn’t even there the entire day is ruined.

With all said and done, and various anger management methods tried I have realized it is me who is in control of everything, not my surroundings. Things are bound to change and they always will. Everyone I meet will not share the same opinion as mine. None can think and care about me like I can and will for myself.

So I have decided that from this moment on I will be the change I want to see and go lenient with the rules of mine with others and not let anyone make me break it. As of now this seems like the best option to me.

Do you have any other suggestions to me apart from meditation, counting 1 to 10 and taking deep breaths? How do you deal with anger with a lot of mental pressure or in general?

And thank you for sticking with me and being a great support through the entire life lesson series. Life is beautiful with all you lovely folks around. 🙂

You can catch up with the series here:

  1. Lesson 1: What Self-Love Means To Me
  2. Lesson 2:Why I Had To Learn To Let Go
  3. Lesson 3:How I had to Make Peace with NO
  4. Lesson 4:Why I started practicing gratitude
  5. Lesson 5: How I learned to accept failure
  6. Lesson 6: How I learned to have high self-esteem

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